We take you to the parts others can't reach

Small Group Tours

Experience an unforgettable adventure with our small group tours in Vietnam.
Discover hidden gems, explore untamed landscapes, and immerse yourself in authentic experiences. Our carefully curated itineraries feature off-the-beaten-path destinations, providing you with a unique perspective of this captivating country. From the majestic terraced rice fields of the north to the pristine beaches of the south, we offer a diverse range of expeditions tailored to your desires. Let us craft the perfect Vietnam adventure for you.
Cascade Ban Gioc et Lac Ba Be - 3 jours
163 reviews

Ce circuit vous emmènera des paysages sauvages et accidentés de Cao Bang pour visiter la spectaculaire cascade de Ban Gioc, aux vastes lacs et karsts crayeux du parc national de Ba Be. Vous voyagerez à travers des régions reculées du nord du Vietnam, frôlant la frontière chinoise et séjournant avec des familles locales pour apprendre et découvrir les cultures et les coutumes uniques du Vietnam rural.

Theme: Multi-jours & Extensions
Departures: Daily
Duration: 3 jours 2 nuits
Destination: Ba Be National Park - Cao Bang - Hanoi
Suitable: Groupe
Aventure dans le parc de Ba Be - 3 jours
29 reviews

Le parc national Ba Be protège le plus grand lac naturel d'eau douce au Vietnam avec une biodiversité exceptionnelle comprenant une population de langurs, plus de 200 oiseaux et 350 espèces de papillons, des trésors géologiques et des forêts calcaires. Dans des endroits comme celui-ci, le tourisme insouciant peut entraîner des perturbations et mettre en danger ce patrimoine, alors qu'un tourisme réfléchi avec un impact contrôlé peut apporter un excellent soutien aux projets de conservation dans la région, et aider les économies des populations locales. Nous partageons cette deuxième opinion et la nature nous le rend bien! Entouré par le vert profond de la forêt, nous espérons que vous apprécierez votre temps passé à explorer le lac, les grottes, les montagnes et la jungle.

Theme: Multi-jours & Extensions
Departures: Daily
Duration: 3 jours 2 nuits
Destination: Ba Be National Park - Hanoi
Suitable: Groupe
Exploration du parc national Ba Be 4 jours 3 nuits
8 reviews

Cette excursion aventureuse combine randonnée et promenade en bateau pour profiter au maximum du parc national Ba Be, riche et varié. Pendant quatre jours, vous traverserez des jungles, des villages éloignés, naviguerez en bateau pour découvrir de nouvelles grottes et découvrez l'hospitalité locale en accueillant les familles. Ce tour est parfait pour ceux qui aiment l'aventure et les grands espaces.

Theme: Multi-jours & Extensions
Departures: Daily
Duration: 4 jours 3 nuits
Destination: Ba Be National Park - Cao Bang - Halong Bay
Suitable: Groupe
Cat Ba et la baie de Lan Ha - 3 jours
7 reviews

Cette excursion de 3 jours vous emmènera à travers les eaux de la baie de Lan Ha jusqu'à l'île de Cat Ba. En plus de vous faire découvrir certaines des régions les plus incroyables du nord du Vietnam, ce voyage sera rempli d'action et d'expériences inoubliables. Avec une croisière sur une jonque traditionnelle en bois, une randonnée dans un magnifique parc national, un séjour avec des familles locales et la découverte de grottes en kayak, cette excursion vous emmènera loin des zones touristiques pour vous faire vraiment apprécier la beauté de cette superbe baie.

Theme: Multi-jours & Extensions
Departures: Daily
Duration: 3 jours 2 nuits
Destination: Halong Bay - Hanoi
Suitable: Groupe
Exploration du Lac Ba Be - 2 jours
5 reviews

Le parc national de Ba Be est centré autour d'un vaste lac entouré de karsts crayeux et d'une épaisse jungle tropicale. Ce voyage vous plongera au cœur du parc national de Ba Be et vous permettra de flotter sur les eaux du lac Ba Be. Au cours de cette visite de deux jours, vous ferez l'expérience de l'hospitalité locale d'une famille de minorités ethniques, partirez pour une excursion tranquille sur la rivière, explorerez des grottes et verrez le paysage changer des rizières aux forêts en imposantes montagnes.

Theme: Multi-jours & Extensions
Departures: Daily
Duration: 2 jours 1 nuit
Destination: Ba Be National Park - Hanoi
Suitable: Groupe
Ha Giang Loop 3 Days 2 Nights
3 reviews

Join in an incredible experience through Ha Giang, an untouched land rich of traditions and ethnic minorities. This 3-day Vietnam Adventure in Ha Giang loop tour starts from Ha Giang City and will be arranged for a maximum of 8 people. You will get the most of your experience with the help of an experienced local guide and a driver trained to practice mountain roads. You will discover the main highlights of Ha Giang including Dong Van, Meo Vac and Ma Pi Leng pass, all must-see destinations when traveling to this remote area. We are happy to arrange transportation from Hanoi by sleeper bus upon request. Let us take you to the parts others can’t reach.

Theme: Small Group Tours
Departures: Daily
Duration: 3 days 2 nights
Destination: Ha Giang Province
Suitable: Small group
3-day Adventure to Mekong Delta
2 reviews

Theme: Multi-jours & Extensions
Departures: Daily
Destination: Ben Tre - Can Tho - Ho Chi Minh City
Nuit chez l'habitant à Sapa - 2 jours
2 reviews

Durant ce circuit, vous partirez à la découverte des paysages de Sapa lors de randonnées à travers des villages locaux et des rizières. Vous pourrez ainsi découvrir le quotidien des habitants, visiter des marchés locaux et admirer des rizières en terrasse à perte de vue.

Theme: Multi-jours & Extensions
Departures: Daily
Duration: 2 jours 3 nuits
Destination: Hanoi - Sapa
Suitable: Groupe
Adventure Hanoi - Sapa - Halong Bay 5 days 4 nights
2 reviews

In an area as diverse as Northern Vietnam, it’s always a good idea to include a good range of sights, activities and experiences in your trip there, as it’s the only way to get some real insight into the history and culture of the country, and the daily life of its local population. This adventure tour is designed with this exact purpose in mind, bringing you to diverse locations like the bustling heart of Hanoi, the peaceful and green valleys filled with minority villages of Sapa, and the world-famous UNESCO World Heritage Site of Ha Long Bay. You’ll spend five days getting a true taste of the country and region, and we can guarantee it will leave you wanting more!

Theme: Small Group Tours
Departures: Daily
Duration: 5 days 4 nights
Destination: Halong Bay - Hanoi - Sapa
Suitable: Small group
Ha Giang Loop 2 Days 1 Night
2 reviews

Join in an incredible experience through Ha Giang, an untouched land rich of traditions and ethnic minorities. This 2-day Ha Giang Loop tour is fit for everyone, it starts from Ha Giang City and will be arranged for a maximum of 8 people. You will get the most of your experience with the help of an experienced local guide and a driver trained to practice mountain roads. In this adventure tour, you will discover the main highlights of Ha Giang including Dong Van, Meo Vac and Ma Pi Leng pass, all must-see destinations when traveling to this remote area. We are happy to arrange transportation from Hanoi by sleeper bus upon request. Let us take you to the parts others can’t reach.

Theme: Small Group Tours
Departures: Daily
Duration: 2 days 1 nights
Destination: Ha Giang Province
Suitable: Small group
Adventure in Mai Chau 2 days 1 night
1 reviews

The idyllic town of Mai Chau sits in the mountainous region of the Thai people. It is one of the most picturesque regions of Vietnam’s Northwest, and this 2-day adventure tour of the luscious green valley combines cycling and trekking through rice paddies, allowing you to discover the true beauty of the area. The refreshing activities during the day are topped off with a BBQ dinner party, drinking traditional Ruou Can wine and an overnight stay in a traditional Thai stilt house.

Theme: Small Group Tours
Departures: Daily
Duration: 2 days 1 night
Destination: Hanoi - Mai Chau
Suitable: Small group
Adventure and Luxury Vietnam 12 days 11 nights
19 reviews

This fascinating 12-day Package Tour to Vietnam takes you through the most beautiful destinations in Vietnam, starting with Hanoi, the capital and gateway to Asia, to finish by sneaking between the boats of a floating market in the Mekong Delta. The mythical names of Halong Bay, Hue – former imperial capital – Hoi An, a charming UNESCO-listed town, or Ho Chi Minh City, the ancient Saigon, will resonate throughout a journey under the sign of the wonder of the 5 senses. The trip can be customized to your needs in terms of number of nights, accommodations etc. Contact us for a non-binding offer on your bespoke dream trip to Vietnam.  

Theme: Small Group Tours
Departures: Daily
Duration: 12 days 11 nights
Destination: Cu Chi - Ho Chi Minh City - Halong Bay - Hanoi - Hoi An - Hue
Suitable: Small group
Explore wild and adventurous Vietnam 15 days 14 nights

Over 15 days of adventure tour Vietnam, you’ll have the opportunity to delve a little deeper into Vietnam, reaching parts of the country where very few people get to go. Some of the highlights include visiting endangered primates in the beautiful Trang An, exploring one of the largest caves in the world, a scenic drive along the Hai Van pass made famous by the show Top Gear, sampling some of the world’s best coffee, tackling rapids while white water rafting and a cruise through the canals of the Mekong Delta to name just a few. This trip certainly packs a punch!

Theme: Small Group Tours
Departures: Daily
Duration: 15 days 14 nights
Destination: Buon Ma Thuot - Dalat & Around - Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) - Ho Chi Minh City - Halong Bay - Hanoi - Hoi An - Hue - Mui Ne - My Tho - Ninh Binh Province - Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park
Suitable: Small group
Adventures Hanoi - Hoian 7 days 6 nights

Spend seven legendary days immersing yourself in local culture, culinary delights and scenic landscapes on a journey through rural Vietnam from Hanoi to Hoi An. This Adventure Tour has been carefully designed by travellers, for travellers, and features the most spectacular “off the beaten track” destinations while retaining a fun and relaxed atmosphere in the company of like-minded souls.

Theme: Small Group Tours
Departures: Daily
Duration: 7 days 6 nights
Destination: Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) - Halong Bay - Hanoi - Hoi An - Hue - Ninh Binh Province - Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park
Suitable: Small group
Adventure to Ninh Binh 2 days 1 night

This 2 day Vietnam adventure activities starts out in Hanoi and includes a night stay in a Bungalow in the beautiful location of Tam Coc. Due to the smaller scope, this tour is perfect for independent travellers looking for a guide for a part of their trip through Vietnam, which is bar none the best way to explore this beautiful destination! There is more to do in Ninh Binh than we can cover in two days, but in this tour we focus o giving you enough time to truly appreciate and immerse yourself with the beautiful surroundings.

Theme: Small Group Tours
Departures: Daily
Duration: 2 days 1 nights
Destination: Hanoi - Ninh Binh Province
Suitable: Small group
Adventure to Mekong Delta 2 days 1 night

Uncover the unique way of life on the Mekong Delta as you experience the lively floating markets and riverside towns. This 2-day Vietnam adventure activities will take you into the heart of the Delta for an unforgettable trip down winding rivers and past gorgeous scenery.

Theme: Small Group Tours
Departures: Daily
Duration: 2 days 1 nights
Destination: Can Tho - Ho Chi Minh City - Vinh Long
Suitable: Small group

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