Travelling from Norway to Vietnam: flights, tips + tours

Find tips for making the most of the great outdoors, as well as flight and visa information, when travelling from Norway to Vietnam.
Travelling to Vietnam from either Oslo or Bergen is possible with just one stop-over en route when travelling to Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City. The flight time is just 14 to 15 hours – which includes time spent on the layover – making it surprisingly convenient to travel from Norway to Vietnam. A number of airline carriers operate a convenient route between Norway and Vietnam, including Aeroflot, Emirates and Thai Airways, with layover cities being Moscow, Dubai or Bangkok.
Travelling from Norway to Vietnam, flights
The new law for e-Visa to Vietnam takes effect from August 15, 2023.
E-visa validity is extended to 90 days from the current 30 days for foreigners (including citizens from Germany) with multiple entries. 
Please apply for e-visa only on the OFFICIAL WEBSITE of the National Web Portal on Immigration !
More infos here :
New law for visa for Vietnam
Passport Norway
Vietnam is an increasingly popular destination for Norwegian travellers, who absolutely love the warm weather activities on offer and the natural phenomena to explore.
For time spent outdoors, Norwegian travellers are particularly enjoying Vietnam’s huge coastline and variety of activities going on along it. This ranges from white sandy beaches and water sports, to island adventures just off the coastline. Halong Bay is a major pull for Norwegian travellers too – a UNESCO World Heritage Site with emerald waters and hundreds of karsts emerging from it – giving the fjords of Norway something to be compared to.
Travel from Norway to Vietnam

Activities away from the coastline are also particularly interesting to Norwegian travellers. Hang Son Doong is the world’s largest cave and is found in Vietnam. It’s 200 metres high and an incredible 5 kilometres long, with a river and lush greenery found inside too. Norwegian visitors to Vietnam also can’t get enough of kayaking and other boating excursions, including on Ba Be Lake, not far from the Chinese border.
Travel from Norway to Vietnam
Norwegian visitors to Vietnam particularly enjoy the following tours:
•    4 Star Calypso Cruise in Halong Bay over three nights
•    Kayaking and trekking in Ba Be National Park over three days
•    Summer idyll including coastal adventures over 15 days

Join us when you travel from Norway to Vietnam and let Mr Linh’s Adventures make your trip of a lifetime complete.
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